Last updated 27.09.03

Presentations : Conference Presentations

"Graduate Archival Education in North America: Is there core knowledge?" Association of Canadian Archivists Conference, June 10-14, 2003 Toronto, Canada.

"AI: Archival Intelligence and User Expertise," paper (co-written with Deborah A. Torres), Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Birmingham Alabama, August 19-24, 2002.

"Listening to Users," paper presented at the Midwest Archives Conference, Minneapolis Minnesota, May 2-4, 2002.

"EAD Interface Design from the User's Perspective," paper presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, August 31 - September 3, 2000, Denver, Colorado.

"Graduate Level Archival Education: A Status Report," paper presented at the forum on the graduate level archival education Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, August 31 - September 3, 2000, Denver, Colorado.

"Strategic Planning for the Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB)," Pennsylvania Historical Association, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5, 1999.

"Archivists as Knowledge Managers," Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, August 25-29, 1999.

"The Future of the Past: A Survey of Graduates of Masters-Level Graduate Archival Education Programs in the United States," Working Meeting for Graduate Archival Educators, Pittsburgh PA, August 24, 1999.

"The Role of Knowledge Management in Reference Services," Midwest Archives Conference, October 14-16, 1998, Ann Arbor, MI.

"The Social Construction of Accountability: Radiologists and Their Recordkeeping Practices," Association of Canadian Archivists, Halifax Nova Scotia, May 1998.

"What's the Use? Understanding and Measuring Use and Users in Archives," paper presented at the Midwest Archives Conference, October 16-18, 1997, St. Louis, MO.

"Appraising the Spirit: Thoughts on Records and Recordkeeping in Religious Institutions," paper presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, August 28-31, 1997, Chicago, IL.

"Archival Education for the Year 2000 and Beyond," paper presented at the Michigan Archival Association Conference, June 16-17, 1997, West Bloomfield, MI.

"Medicine in the Dark: Obtaining Design Requirements for a Medical Collaboratory from Observations of Radiologists at Work," (co-authors Stéphane Coté, Thomas Finholt, and
Michael Cohen), paper presented at the Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference, November 16-20, 1996, Boston, MA.

"Papers, Politics, Preservation, and Archival Principles: The Maryknoll Missioners and International Archival Collecting," paper presented at the Midwest Archives Conference, Madison WI. October 10-12, 1996.

"Understanding the Archival Implications of the Process-Records Connection," paper presented at Connections: The Second Great Lakes Information Science Conference, Toronto, Canada. October 25-26, 1996.
Conference Presentations (Continued):

"Administering Use and Administrative Use: Looking at an Understudied User Group," paper presented at the Society of American Archivists Meeting, Washington, D.C. August 28-September 3, 1995.

"Spreading the Word: Alternatives for the Administration and Preservation of Religious Archives," Midwest Archives Conference, Chicago, IL. May 1992.

"Research Resources for the History of Women Religious," History of Women Religious Conference, St. Paul, MN. June 25-28, 1989.

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